Noticias de Mediabox


Noticias de Mediabox

El equipo de MyMediabox trabaja incansablemente para mejorar nuestros productos, desarrollar nuevas herramientas y hacer crecer continuamente nuestras relaciones con nuestros estimados socios. Cuando tenemos noticias emocionantes de Mediabox para compartir, las publicamos aquí. Le animamos a que vuelva a visitarnos a menudo - ¡aquí pasan muchas cosas!

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Por qué es importante proteger sus activos digitales

Por |2021-03-09T21:41:57+00:0020 de febrero de 2018|Categorías: Mediabox News|

What are Digital Assets? The Real Story Group, a company which publishes vendor evaluations, identifies digital assets as “something represented in a digital form that has an intrinsic or acquired value.” Digital assets refer to any file type such as photos, videos, audio files etc., and protecting these becomes more important when a company begins to license their Intellectual Property [...]

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Empleado destacado - Gina Stoudenmire

Por |2021-03-09T21:43:49+00:0011 de enero de 2018|Categorías: Mediabox News|

      Gina Stoudenmire, our Customer Service Manager provides Global Customer Support to all our partners. If at any point there are questions about the site or if the infrequent glitch does occur, Gina will be there to assist. She has been with us for over 4 years as a Customer Service Manager and is a shining star here at [...]

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Por qué debería elegir MyMediabox como su proveedor de software de licencia de marca

Por |2021-03-09T20:00:44+00:0028 de diciembre de 2017|Categorías: Mediabox News|

Do you ever wonder how other leading licensors manage their licensing contracts? How do they streamline their product approvals workflow or keep their style guides so secure and exclusive? These licensors ditched their cumbersome spreadsheets and generic file-sharing services for an easier, more secure way to manage their licensing business. They chose MyMediabox software solutions to efficiently streamline and secure their [...]

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Protegiendo sus activos: Evaluar los proveedores de software de licencia

Por |2021-03-09T21:45:06+00:009 de julio de 2014|Categorías: Mediabox News|

When you're considering cloud-based software for your own company's Contracts/Royalty Management, Digital Asset and Style Guide Delivery, Product Approvals Workflows and Security Management needs, it's an exciting process. You're changing the way your business does business. The potential in within your grasp to reap huge savings while increasing your team's productivity. However, it can be a scary proposition to [...]

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Previsualización de la precisión del color y los archivos CMYK

Por |2021-03-18T19:58:10+00:0029 de mayo de 2014|Categorías: Mediabox News|Etiquetas: , , , , |

CMYK Files Can Render Inaccurate Colors When Viewed in Web Browsers We are finding that some Mediabox-DAM and Mediabox-PA users who upload files based on the CMYK subtractive color space are having issues with thumbnail preview color accuracy in web browsers. Although the colors are perfect when the uploaded files are downloaded and opened in the original applications, we know [...]

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Tecnología, infraestructura y seguridad

Por |2021-03-09T21:49:31+00:0020 de marzo de 2014|Categorías: Mediabox News|Etiquetas: , , , , , , , |

MyMediabox servers are co-located in Atlanta, Georgia and Cincinnati, Ohio. Atlanta Connectivity The EQUINIX AT1 facility in Atlanta, Georgia is Atlanta's premier colocation facility, located in the same high-security building as the Atlanta 911 call center, with multiple redundant carrier-neutral 1GigE and 10GigE metro connect fiber paths between the three EQUINIX Atlanta facilities and multiple internal IP Transit providers. The [...]

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Por |2021-03-09T21:52:09+00:0011 de marzo de 2014|Categorías: Mediabox News|Etiquetas: , , , , , , |

MyMediabox keeps its clients' sites secure and encrypted Some of you and your licensee partners may have noticed that the address bar is a little more crowded in your web browser when you are on your MyMediabox websites versus some other sites. Once you hit the "Login" page you find that the address starts with HTTPS instead of HTTP. What [...]

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Abrir archivos comprimidos en Mac con Stuffit Expander

Por |2021-03-09T21:59:07+00:006 de febrero de 2014|Categorías: Mediabox News|Etiquetas: , , , , , , , , |

If you work on a MAC, sometimes you may have trouble expanding zipped files downloaded from a browser that is designed to work with a PC.  Stuffit Expander helps you easily expand files and folders compressed by most applications. StuffIt Expander opens zipped files created with WinZip®, 7zX, iShrink, SimplyRAR, Rarify, Rucksack, BetterZip, RarMachine, GUI Tar, CleanArchiver, Springy, TarPit, RAR, [...]

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